Cool Machines Installation Equipment
Since the end of 2011, we have held the exclusive rights to sell Cool Machines installation equipment in the Baltic States and Finland. Cool Machines is one of the leading manufacturers of installation machinery in the USA, founded by the legendary Dave Krendl. Dave has over 40 years of experience in the design and production of cellulose insulation machinery.
We provide maintenance and spare parts for all Cool Machines products.
Check out images of the machines on the Cool Machines website and feel free to reach out to us for more information.
We will put together a complete solution for you so that you can get started right away.
Installation Accessories
For installing cellulose insulation on vertical surfaces, it is effective to use an adhesive. You can purchase BIM adhesive from us, which aligns perfectly with our product’s environmentally friendly image. Along with Werrowool cellulose insulation, we ensure quick delivery of the adhesive. Wet installations are performed exclusively by our qualified installation partners.
Rental of Installation Equipment
Installing cellulose insulation on horizontal surfaces is straightforward and can be done by anyone. You can rent an installation machine from us for this purpose.
- Open Pickup Truck with a Trailer: The installation machine and 25 bags of cellulose insulation fit, or 32 bags without the machine.
- Closed, Tarp-Covered Trailer: Can hold up to 40 bags of cellulose insulation.
- Medium-Sized Van: Can accommodate the installation machine and 60 bags of insulation.
- Rental Price: €50 per day.
- Service Area: We rent out the installation machine in Southern Estonia, exclusively for installing Werrowool cellulose insulation.
Wet installations and installations on vertical surfaces cannot be performed by yourself.
For more information or to arrange a rental, please contact us!